DGR member Will Falk has been writing a regular series on his experiences at the Unis’tot’en Camp blockade of proposed pipeline construction. We’ve highlighted some of them here already, but thought it would be useful to link to the whole series of thoughtful essays on what it takes to build a true culture of resistance, and for members of settler culture to ally with indigenous peoples on the front lines:
- May 1, 2014: Giving Up on Home and Heading to Unist’ot’en Camp
- May 4: The Unist’ot’en Camp – Preparation: Home, Language, Self
- May 19: From Unist’ot’en Camp: Responsibility, Not Rights
- May 22: From Unist’ot’en Camp: Think About Your Future
- June 9: From Unist’ot’en Camp: No Word for Good-Bye
- June 19: Reflecting on Unist’ot’en Camp: Living with Death
- June 29: Lessons from Unist’ot’en Camp: Is Your Integrity Intact?
- July 24: From Unist’ot’en Camp: What Does Solidarity Look Like?
- January 17, 2015: Reflections on Despair: Walking the Trapline at Unist’ot’en Camp